Hi. I'm Jelly Bean and I just turned 28 years old yesterday. Thank you for all the birthday greetings you have sent through text messages and emails.
I just realized my family and I have always always and never failed to celebrated my birthday at home (with the exception of course of my other birthday celebrations with friends/officemates). For a change I decided to have a dinner out with my family. Now I'm a year older I'm suppose to be a year wiser, right? But on this dinner party, it made me think twice. I maybe a year older but still there were things I already knew which I need to relearn. I'm not sure but for some reason my brain was not functioning properly. It may be for reasons such as stress, lack of sleep, change of weather or maybe my memory might be overloaded with information or maybe, just maybe due to old age I'm losing my ability to retain information. Whatever it may be I can still be stupid sometimes.
First day of being 28 years old. Not bad, eh. (with my niece, Julia)On my previous post, I have talked about changes. And this one tradition I was hoping to change on my birthday but silly me forgotten the reason why I always celebrate my birthday at home. Obviously my birthday falls on the busiest days of the season where
everyone's out in the mall making last minute shopping etc, etc. so you can just imagine how dining out at this time can be so stressful.
All restaurants were full. Taxi lines were endless (buses and jeeps are being ignored, people these days are so rich!!!) and the change of weather was not helping at all. It was raining so hard on the night of my birthday. The night when we were suppose to watch the Light and Symphony show at the Ayala Triangle. That's how unlucky I can be on my day. Shucks. Which reminds me of what happened 1o years ago. The
'apat na sikat' will never forget my birthday back then. It was quite an experience but it would be another story to tell.
Stupid rain. The light and sound show at the Ayala Triangle got canceled :-(Good thing my Tapioca had always have the right words to say which lifted up my spirit a bit. I wish I can remember the exact words he said. I guess I was starving so my mood was just like the weather. Since everyone was craving for chicken, we had dinner at Kenny Roger's. Ya know, all the grilled stuff goodness. Grilled chicken, sausages, burgers and not to forget baby back ribs that falls off the bones. Yummy. I apologized but me and my family were so hungry I totally forgot to take pics of the food. Nobody was in the mood to watch a movie so off we went to Time Zone instead. My niece Julia and nephew
Oler had the time of their life. Play all you can courtesy of Tapioca. Thanks baby!

Bad timing and bad weather, still it ended up well. Lesson learned plan an early party ahead of time like lunchtime instead of dinner time.
Nanay, jellybean, julia, ate kathy and oler with the belen at the Ayala Triangle as the background.
I'm still bless to have these people with me on my birthday who loves me unconditionally. Thank you Lord for giving me another year to enjoy life.