Updates, Updates
Yay! Another update for this blog.
First of all, I would like to thank Tapioca for making my very first post for the year 2015 possible. If not for that 10 minute break, I would never know when this comeback will ever happen. So thank you my honey bunch! *hugs and kisses*
I am actually stumped as to what this next post should be all about. After all, I've been gone for a looong while. So many things happened and I don't know where to start. I have some announcements to make, cross out some things on my list, publish posts still in the draft folder and so on and so forth. Again, where do I begin?! My life has never been stressful enough, let alone think of what to blog. Ay caramba!
Time is running and there's no way anyone can stop it. I am saddened to think that the last two years of my life went undocumented. The timeline on this blog is forever ruined. Di bale uso naman ang throwback. I might do a lot of that in the future.
So what happened in the last 2 years? I guess I should do a quick recap. It is time, I say a long overdue. I'm borrowing this paragraph from Daphne Osena-Paez's blog. Every single word hits home.
"2013 was full of extremes. Like many, I am glad it’s gone. But then I started worrying about 2014 and the next storms coming our way. I remembered the message at new year’s eve Mass. No matter how much we plan everything, we are not in control. We should live through both joy and challenges with gratitude for all that it brings. It may be hard to do. But I sure will try it."
Just like Daphne, 2013 was a very challenging year for me and Tapioca. It started out with a test in our marriage. Remember the lines "In sickness and in health, till death do us apart"? Yeah, 3 months after we got married and we are reaffirming our marriage vow.
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. . . picture-picture post surgery |
2013 was also the time when I went back to the corporate world. I realized free-lancing was not for me. I'm happy though I gave it a shot cos if I didn't I might still be in the what if zone.
the view from my previous workplace . . . |
So I was back in the corporate world but Tapioca and I were living in different time-zones. At first I thought it was easy, we can make it work but then we realized it wasn't. Then there's my career path, it was going nowhere. I have a lot of dreams. We have a lot of dreams I should say. We were lost. We were broken and we didn't know how to fix it. We thought of trying again. Starting again from scratch. We were brave. Very brave. We thank God for friends and family who supported us all the way, for whatever decisions we made.
2014 was our new beginning. Happy thoughts. Our hopes and dreams coming through. Then bam! I got pregnant.
positive!!! |
Not in the plan. Uh-oh.... Difficult pregnancy. I thought I was not going to make it. I thought I was going to die. I actually wanted to die. Hahaha! True story, end of my career and back to becoming the housewife that I am.
. . . bumming around in 2014 & making babies lololol!!!!! |
With all the circumstances there's also the good stuff. As the saying goes "all's well that ends well". Sure enough, on that same year, a blessing came our way. She's top priority right now. Our lives will never be the same again. Our lives are no longer about us. Now, it's all about her.
our little bundle of joy . . . |
So again, where do I begin? I have so much to write about. Thoughts overflowing but too little time. I know, I know this is just a phase so please bear with me. Mommy duty is calling.