I haven’t been able to watch movies properly for such a long time. I think it goes back from the time I got pregnant with Munchkin. Like you know, watch movies at the cinema where you can just focus on the movie and nothing else. Though I'm currently on maternity leave, at home all the time, with access to a television, movies and TV series all the time, anytime I want, it's not really the case.
When you're a mom with kids, distractions are plenty. Children are always seeking attention from mommy. Nonstop thinking of how to manage a household properly. What are we gonna have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between? Reminders of bills to pay, constantly checking the panty for items that are running low and must restock. Always making sure everything is taken care of because no one's gonna do it but me. Even as simple as using the loo, there is never a quiet time. Well, there is actually. The time when they are all asleep. And when they are asleep, I take that as a time to sleep as well. So you see, staying at home doesn't guarantee that I get to do all the things I wanted.
Being a mom is just one of the many hats I wear. I'm also a wife. My husband needs me, too. Before the kids arrived, we used to be movie buddies. We spent most of our free time binge watching TV series and movies. We were always in the know of what were the upcoming movies in the cinemas and the first one to get downloaded copies of the hottest/latest TV series. However, parenthood changed all that.
I thought when Munchkin gets older we will be able to go back to our old routine. I thought when we get a nanny/house help it will be time to go back to the movie houses and have a proper date night. But nah, it did not happen. The last thing I wanted to do was to watch a movie. I felt like my time is so precious that I am not willing to waste it on a senseless, boring, predictable, bland and uninteresting movie. If ever I get the chance to watch a movie, I choose them wisely.
. . . photo from https://ezaudiobookforsoul.com |
So here I am to talk about the movie I just recently watched. And I would like to say I'm glad I just watched it now and not when it just came out in the cinema four years ago. I can almost imagine the disappointment of those people who watched the first movie and the anticipation for the 2nd installment. I haven't read the books but based on experience it is always better to watch the movies first before reading the books.
No need for intro anymore. It's all the way up on the title of this post. Anyway, I saw a clip of this movie Tagalized on ABS-CBN and I knew it's something I am willing to waste my time on. Tapioca downloaded a copy and we binged watched the three movies.
I would say the concept was brilliant. We've watched thriller movies before but this was something different. The characters were likable. The plot was fast paced and there were hardly dull moments. We're on the edge of our seats and I can hardly contain my excitement. I kept on guessing what's gonna happen next. The movie endings were such cliffhangers too, so I'm really glad I've only watched this now.
We were so hooked after watching the first movie we cannot wait to see the next one. I think however, the following installments just didn't live up to the first movie. It just went downhill like they just wanted the movie to be over and done with. I was not happy with the ending. It felt rushed and there were still questions left. Some twists I felt like it's no longer needed or they could have thought of something better.
Overall, I still find it a good watch. I was entertained. For a moment I forgot all the worries and stress of being a mom, wife and everything in between. I thought it might be a good idea to read the books but after checking reviews online I'd think I'll pass.