Fabulous SMEG
I was reading Real Living magazine one afternoon and spotted this very posh, stylish and retro looking refrigerator from a home owner they featured. I was so impress I immediately google what it was. When I found out these were from an Italian household appliance, I doubted no more. Tapioca and I adore Italian brand kitchen appliances and this one is an addition to our list. Check out this Fab SMEG ref matching a mini cooper.
We are mini cooper fans and now SMEG Fab fans, too. So 1950's! I swear we are gonna buy these someday. Someday. (Gotta work our asses off!) We think the red 2-door Fab would look lovely on a black and white kitchen that we wanted when we get our own place. It would surely be the star of the kitchen.
But first things first. We need a house.
If you want I could sell you mine, it's new.
From italy.
Fabrizio fabiri@hotmail.com