
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tapioca was not feeling well this morning. He went to the clinic and got him self checked. The doctor said his blood pressure went up. Uh-oh. I wanted to tell him "I told you so" but he's feeling really bad already knowing what these would lead to. This is serious. This treacherous and silent attacker has killed millions of lives including my father and his siblings.

After shift we went straight home and talked about serious things. We talked about what we should and should not do to prevent this. I mean there's no way to stop this anymore only prevention, right? So we were talking about the situation in serious mode only to find out what worried him the most. His love for meat and all it's fatty evilness. It pissed him off. He hated to say goodbye to the divine glory of beefy goodness, porkyliciousness, hearty chicken and anything meat lovers will die for. I was like, "What the heck?!?!" It pissed me off, too.

So there goes the helluva of the serious mode. I am not liking this. But the battles is not yet over. So help us God.

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