Tapioca and Munchkin Bonding Time At Bonifacio High Street

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Munchkin has been practicing riding her scooter every chance she gets. After getting her a scooter as a gift last year, Tapioca has been bringing her to the park, basketball court or any open spaces she’s free to scoot around. 

She’s actually getting really good at it. She finally knows how to use the break and how to steer from left to right. Munchkin is mostly practicing inside the house much to my annoyance. You see, we live on the 2nd floor of a small rise condo and the last thing I want to hear is a complaint from the downstairs neighbor. 

However, their practice session stopped when Tapioca got hospitalized. Munchkin has been asking when they will go back to the park again. It finally happened last Sunday.

. . . Tapioca and Munchkin

Here are some of the clips Tapioca took with this phone. The second video almost gave me a heart attack. I kinda freaked out seeing how fast the cars/vehicles were going. At first, it sorta looked like Munchkin would go straight to the other side of the road.

Tapioca rationalized that Munchkin was still far from the road and that there was a good 12 feet before it hit the road. Hmmm. I’m not sure. I guess I’m not convinced. Hahahaha!

When the little girl got tired, she asked for some donuts.  

Time for some refreshment. You bet these guys had fun. 😁

time for some donuts . . . 

I am thankful Tapioca is such a devoted father. I am thankful because I can rely on him  to take care of the kids even if me or the nannies are not around. I am thankful because he always makes an effort to spend time with the kids. No matter how tired or sleep deprived he is.

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